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文献推送 | 伊莱瑞特23年8月收录SCI论文307篇,最高IF达64.5!

Source: Elabscience®Published: 2023-10-17







01 用于多功能图像引导联合癌症免疫治疗的光触发自加速纳米平台

A photo-triggered self-accelerated nanoplatform for multifunctional image-guided combination cancer immunotherapy

PMID: 37626073

02 仿生纳米颗粒增强胆固醇逆向转运,抑制动脉粥样硬化泡沫细胞的形成

Biomimetic nanoparticles to enhance the reverse cholesterol transport for inhibiting development into foam cell in atherosclerosis

PMID: 37644442

03 携带具有多种肿瘤微环境反应性的siRNA纳米治疗药物的特洛伊木马运载工具通过“自协同”方法在原位引发强大的抗肿瘤免疫反应

A Trojan Horse Delivery Vehicle Carrying siRNA Nanotherapeutics with Multiple Tumor Microenvironment Responsiveness Elicits Robust Antitumor Immune Responses In Situ via a “Self-Synergistic” Approach

PMID: 37537715

04 叶酸功能化外泌体联合白藜芦醇和雷公藤酚治疗脓毒症的疗效提高

Combination Therapy with Resveratrol and Celastrol Using Folic Acid-Functionalized Exosomes Enhances the Therapeutic Efficacy of Sepsis

PMID: 37530416

05 负载双氢青蒿素的纳米反应器通过协同诱导铁死亡激活巨噬细胞的Cgas/STING重编程来促进抗癌免疫治疗

A Dihydroartemisinin-Loaded Nanoreactor Motivates Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy by Synergy-Induced Ferroptosis to Activate Cgas/STING for Reprogramming of Macrophage

PMID: 37567571


01 传递lncRNA WAC-AS1的细胞外小泡,通过诱导铁死亡增殖加重同种异体肾移植缺血再灌注损伤

Small extracellular vesicles delivering lncRNA WAC-AS1 aggravate renal allograft ischemia‒reperfusion injury by inducing ferroptosis propagation


02 负载双氢青蒿素的纳米反应器通过协同诱导铁死亡激活巨噬细胞的Cgas/STING重编程来促进抗癌免疫治疗

A Dihydroartemisinin-Loaded Nanoreactor Motivates Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy by Synergy-Induced Ferroptosis to Activate Cgas/STING for Reprogramming of Macrophage

PMID: 37567571


01 褪黑素通过sirt3介导的TFAM去乙酰化促进线粒体自噬,从而减轻败血症诱导的急性肾损伤

Melatonin attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by promoting mitophagy through SIRT3-mediated TFAM deacetylation


02 肥胖使NLRP3激活,并通过HADHa的高乙酰化诱导心肌纤维化

Obesity enables NLRP3 activation and induces myocardial fibrosis via hyperacetylation of HADHa

PMID: 37625146


01 研究神经炎症对神经胶质反应的生理和病理血脑屏障微环境的芯片建模

On-chip modeling of physiological and pathological blood-brain barrier microenvironment for studying glial responses to neuroinflammation


02 氧化铜-助锌单原子杂化纳米酶用于生物膜感染伤口愈合

CuO2-assisting-Zn single atom hybrid nanozymes for biofilm-infected wound healing


03 褪黑素通过sirt3介导的TFAM去乙酰化促进线粒体自噬,从而减轻败血症诱导的急性肾损伤

Melatonin attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by promoting mitophagy through SIRT3-mediated TFAM deacetylation

PMID: 37651673

04 MyD88抑制剂与介孔氧化铈纳米酶靶向递送平台的整合,以增强溃疡性结肠炎的治疗

Integration of MyD88 inhibitor into mesoporous cerium oxide nanozymes-based targeted delivery platform for enhancing treatment of ulcerative colitis

PMID: 37572964

05 叶酸功能化外泌体联合白藜芦醇和雷公藤酚治疗脓毒症的疗效提高

Combination Therapy with Resveratrol and Celastrol Using Folic Acid-Functionalized Exosomes Enhances the Therapeutic Efficacy of Sepsis

PMID: 37530416



1. Kaffe E, Roulis M, Zhao J, et al. Humanized mouse liver reveals endothelial control of essential hepatic metabolic functions[J]. Cell, 2023, 186(18): 3793-3809. e26.

2. You J, Yang C, Han J, et al. Ultrarapid‐Acting Microneedles for Immediate Delivery of Biotherapeutics[J]. Advanced Materials, 2023: 2304582.

3. Song J, Xu R, Zhang H, et al. Cell-in-Cell–Mediated Entosis Reveals A Progressive Mechanism in Pancreatic Cancer[J]. Gastroenterology, 2023.

4. Zhang W, Fan Y, Zhang J, et al. Cell membrane-camouflaged bufalin targets NOD2 and overcomes multidrug resistance in pancreatic cancer[J]. Drug Resistance Updates, 2023, 71: 101005.

5. Huang X, Liu X, Li X, et al. Cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated protein 1 (CAND1) alleviates NAFLD by reducing ubiquitinated degradation of ACAA2[J]. Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 4620.

6. Song J, Gu J, Dang G, et al. The immunomodulatory effects of DNA-conjugated collagen scaffolds on bone healing[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474: 145318.

7. Liu X, Li J, Yang X, et al. Carcinoma-associated fibroblast-derived lysyl oxidase-rich extracellular vesicles mediate collagen crosslinking and promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition via p-FAK/p-paxillin/YAP signaling[J]. International Journal of Oral Science, 2023, 15(1): 32.

8. Yan Y, Liu X, Wang L, et al. Branched hydrophobic tails in lipid nanoparticles enhance mRNA delivery for cancer immunotherapy[J]. Biomaterials, 2023, 301: 122279.

9. Wang T, Yan L, Wang L, et al. VPS41-mediated incomplete autophagy aggravates cadmium-induced apoptosis in mouse hepatocytes[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 459: 132243.

10. Gupta P, Mahapatra A, Suman A, et al. Polystyrene microplastics disrupt female reproductive health and fertility via sirt1 modulation in zebrafish (Danio rerio)[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460: 132359.

11. Yang S, Zhao Y, Cheng X, et al. Buxu Tongyu Granule Alleviates Myocardial Ischemia by Activating Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Soluble Guanylate Cyclase to Inhibit Abnormal Vasomotion[J]. Engineering, 2023.

12. Ruan Z, Yin H, Wan T F, et al. Metformin accelerates bone fracture healing by promoting type H vessel formation through inhibition of YAP1/TAZ expression[J]. Bone Research, 2023, 11(1): 45.

13. Zhou Y, Wu Q, Li Y, et al. Low-dose of polystyrene microplastics induce cardiotoxicity in mice and human-originated cardiac organoids[J]. Environment International, 2023, 179: 108171.

14. Chen Y, Xu D, Ma Y, et al. Sertoli cell-derived extracellular vesicles traverse the blood-testis barrier and deliver miR-24-3p inhibitor into germ cells improving sperm mobility[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2023, 362: 58-69.

15. Wang Y, Wang Q, Wang X, et al. Docetaxel-loaded pH/ROS dual-responsive nanoparticles with self-supplied ROS for inhibiting metastasis and enhancing immunotherapy of breast cancer[J]. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21(1): 286.


文献推送 | 伊莱瑞特23年9月收录SCI论文311篇,最高IF达39.3!

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